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Reaching out

作家相片: 趙敏華 Angela Chiu趙敏華 Angela Chiu


Reaching in the dark, experiencing the sorrow of loneliness and hopeless. Young girl with grey hair surrounded by a painful moment that no one can understand. Where she was alone in the silent, looking to pointless, closed her eyes, maybe weeping. She dared not to face the cruel reality, but suffering loneliness and hopeless alone.

The polarity of darkness, there is a golden light with glory from the corner towards the face of this sorrow girl. However, she was so depressed therefore, did not notice there was an angel (Holy Spirit) who was trying whispering to her. The pain of loneliness and hopeless made her hardly let anyone to enter nor share her feeling

Jesus said, “I am the Light of world. No one who follows me stumbles around in the darkness. I provide plenty of light to live in. (John 8:12)” However, in reality, when experiencing the loneliness in the dark, the overwhelming of helpless and desperate will trapped us in the powerlessness. We can’t defeat it.

Girl laying her head onto the wooden pillar. Seems that she was in the polarity between the loneliness in the bottom of the heart, and the solitude that contradict to the outside world. Although her eyes closed, but the golden light with a guidance angel still standing beside and waiting. She was in the dark, but she was not in the dark. Her hand showing the gesture that she was trying to reach out from the dark to the light. She was in the light - the light under our Savior Lord – was covering her. Even though no one can help in the dark, but Jesus can, our Savior Lord is the only light that can break through the darkness, and save us reaching out from suffering the powerlessness and helpless.

Have you ever experienced the same? Being in the conflict dealing with the inner-self to the outside world? Or the innermost desire between hostility and hospitality in response to the righteousness?

Through years of painful process in between loneliness and solitude, that we may not aware but the truth is, angels send by our precious Lord is always standing by our fragile spirit, whispering and guiding us to the eternity hope in Jesus. Underneath of prayer, all sufferings can develop the capability that sharpened us to reach out to the spirit of courage, hope and love. Through the process of constantly move among fear, struggle and anger during the darkness, a new life can be born.

Reaching out to the world by the new life, offers by our savior Lord who has made it clearly to everyone, “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go. (Joshua 1:9)” Jesus did not allow us to growth without getting through the process of darkness. He let us getting through the painful process of solitude, maybe our spirit will bury with lonely and hostile. However, whenever we accept Jesus’ offer by reaching out our brokenness and loneliness, rebuilding the imitation with Him, humbling ourselves to His throne of grace, all tension in the dark will formulate a strong as well as empowering the innermost spirit in us. Dark is not dark; loneliness is not lonely, when Jesus is being there with us.

“The human senses are purified in the dark. When soul walks through the dark night, it is walking towards the light of the soul. (Dark Night, St. John of the Cross)”

We all own a little part of this young girl. We can sense the painful of brokenness in the dark. Do you allow this sorrow keep trapping your soul in the darkness? Fear not, just focus to the light. Simply open your eyes, humble yourself, then you will realize a golden light is covering you, our Savior Lord is waiting.


Author: Angela Chiu (All Rights Reserved)

Painting: Mary and Mother Mary by P. Yu (All Right Reserved)

Editor: Dr Alfred Lee

Asian American Theological Forum Publication:

Painting Information: Artist: P. Yu

Year: 2017

Medium: Acrylic

Dimension: 60cm x 50cm

Location: Hong Kong

Copyright: Private Owned

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